A 2013 Lookback at Consortiumnews


The year 2013 saw the United States bogged down in ideological conflicts and veering close to new wars in the Middle East, but reporting at Consortiumnews.com contributed to a fuller understanding of the facts domestically and internationally as the fever of partisanship and warfare showed signs of breaking.

Here is a selection of our stories from this important year:

Al Gore’s Current TV Debacle” by Robert Parry, Jan. 4, 2013

Is the Constitution Still Relevant?” by Robert Parry, Jan. 5, 2013

Excusing Torture, Again” by Ray McGovern, Jan. 7, 2013

The Grilling that Brennan Deserves” by Ray McGovern, Jan. 9, 2013

More Second Amendment Madness” by Robert Parry, Jan. 14, 2013

America’s War for Reality” by Robert Parry. Jan. 15, 2013

The Right’s Dangerously Bad History” by Robert Parry. Jan. 18, 2013

The Moral Torment of Leon Panetta” by Ray McGovern. Jan. 19, 2013

The Second Amendment’s History” by Beverly Bandler, Jan. 21, 2013

What to Make of Barack Obama?” by Robert Parry, Jan. 22, 2013

Return of Three-Fifths of a Person” by Robert Parry, Jan. 26, 2013

Reality Bites Back” by Robert Parry, Jan. 29, 2013

When Truth Tried to Stop War” by Ray McGovern, Jan. 31, 2013

Richard Nixon’s Even-Darker Legacy” by Robert Parry. Feb. 2, 2013.

Colin Powell: Conned or Con-Man?” by Ray McGovern, Feb. 4, 2013.

Guardrail Design Raises Concerns” by Daniel J. Goldstein, Feb. 6, 2013.

How Secrecy Corrodes Democracy” by Robert Parry, Feb. 6, 2013.

John Brennan’s Tenet-Like Testimony” by Ray McGovern, Feb. 9, 2013.

Hyping Iran Nukes, Again” by Robert Parry, Feb. 14, 2013.

How Neocons Messed Up the Mideast” by Robert Parry, Feb. 15, 2013.

The L’Enfant Plaza Hotel Mystery” by Robert Parry, Feb. 17, 2013.

Thin Line: Good/Bad Guy with a Gun” by Robert Parry, Feb. 18, 2013.

A Long Pursuit of the Real Jesus” by Rev. Howard Bess, Feb. 21, 2013.

How Reagan Promoted Genocide” by Robert Parry, Feb. 21, 2013.

Eyes Wide Shut on the Iraq War” by Ray McGovern,. Feb. 24, 2013.

The Neo-Confederate Supreme Court” by Robert Parry, Feb. 28, 2013.

The Catholic Church’s Lost Hope” by Father Paul Surlis, March 3, 2013.

Perverting the Constitution for Power” by Robert Parry, March 3, 2013.

An Unheeded Warning on the Iraq War” by Coleen Rowley, March 4, 2013.

Dangerous ‘State Sovereignty’ Myth” by Robert Parry, March 6, 2013.

Rethinking Watergate/Iran-Contra” by Robert Parry, March 9, 2013.

John Brennan’s Heavy Baggage” by Ray McGovern, March 11, 2013.

Saving the Church/State Wall” by Rev. Howard Bess, March 12, 2013.

Dirty War Questions for Pope Francis” by Robert Parry, March 12, 2013.

Pope Francis, CIA and Death Squads” by Robert Parry, March 16, 2013.

What Happened to the US Press Corps” by Robert Parry, March 18, 2013.

The Undying Shame of the Iraq War” by Kathy Kelly, March 20, 2013.

The Mysterious Why of the Iraq War” by Robert Parry, March 20, 2013.

The WPost’s Unbridled Arrogance” by Robert Parry, March 23, 2013.

Throwing the First Cyber-stone” by Arjen Kamphuis, March 25, 2013.

The Tragic Saga of Gary Webb” by H. “Corky” Johnson, March 26, 2013.

Obama’s Nuke Double Standards” by Nat Parry, March 27, 2013.

The Two Views of Jesus’s Murder” by Rev. Howard Bess, March 29, 2013.

Hollywood’s Dangerous Afghan Illusion” by Robert Parry, April 7, 2013.

Tyranny of Deception” by Phil Rockstroh, April 9, 2013.

The Madness of NYT’s Tom Friedman” by Robert Parry, April 10, 2013.

Jesus as a Real-Life Insurrectionist” by Rev. Howard Bess, April 15, 2013.

Tales of Reagan’s Guatemala Genocide” by Robert Parry, April 16, 2013.

The Power of False Narratives” by Robert Parry, April 18, 2013.

Second-Guessing George W. Bush” by Robert Parry, April 22, 2013.

Another Ignored Russian Warning” by Robert Parry, April 23, 2013.

The Bad Math Behind Austerity” by Beverly Bandler, April 24, 2013.

America’s Locked-Down Insecurity State” by Phil Rockstroh, April 26, 2013.

Obama Drifts Toward Syria War” by Robert Parry, April 29, 2013.

Sandra Day O’Connor’s ‘Maybe’ Regret” by Robert Parry, April 30, 2013.

Howard Kurtz’s Belated Comeuppance” by Robert Parry, May 3, 2013.

The Right’s Rebranding, 1860 to 1776” by Robert Parry, May 7, 2013.

Ronald Reagan: Accessory to Genocide” by Robert Parry, May 11, 2013.

The Deepening Shame of Guantanamo” by Ray McGovern, May 13, 2013.

The Lost ‘Trifecta’ of Scandals” by Beverly Bandler, May 16, 2013.

Reagan and Argentina’s Dirty War” by Robert Parry, May 17, 2013.

Does Woodward Know Watergate?” by Robert Parry, May 20, 2013.

What a Real Cover-up Looks Like” by Robert Parry, May 21, 2013.

Israel’s Hand in Guatemala’s Genocide” by Robert Parry, May 23, 2013.

Obama Distorts ‘Just War’ Principles” by Daniel C. Maguire, May 24, 2013.

Regret Over Gary Webb’s Demise” by Robert Parry. June 1, 2013.

Moral Imperative of Bradley Manning” by Ray McGovern. June 3, 2013.

The Manning Trial’s Real Defendant” by Daniel C. Maguire. June 4, 2013.

Dark Money Plot behind IRS ‘Scandal’” by Beverly Bandler, June 5, 2013.

How Wall St. Bailed Out the Nazis” by Jerry Meldon. June 6, 2013.

Second Thoughts on October Surprise” by Robert Parry. June 8, 2013.

Waking Up to America’s ‘Dirty Wars’” by Lisa Pease. June 10, 2013.

Another Truth-Teller Steps Forward” by Ray McGovern, June 10, 2013.

Secrecy’s Tangled Web of Deceit” by Ray McGovern. June 13, 2013.

A British Precursor to Snowden Case” by Marcia Mitchell. June 15, 2013.

Escaping Justice for Cambodian Deaths” by Don North. June 16, 2013.

UK Grapples with Spying Disclosures” by Ray McGovern. June 17, 2013.

Exposing the Global Surveillance State” by Annie Machon. June 19, 2013.

The Tea Party’s Legacy of Racism” by Robert Parry, June 20, 2013.

The Right’s Dubious Claim to Madison” by Robert Parry, June 23, 2013.

The IRS Non-Scandal ‘Scandal’” by Beverly Bandler, June 24, 2013.

Supreme Court’s War on Democracy” by Robert Parry, June 25, 2013.

The Marriage of Libertarians and Racists” by Robert Parry, June 27, 2013.

Climate Denying Libertarianism” by Robert Parry, July 2, 2013.

Why Snowden’s Fate Matters” by Elizabeth Murray, July 2, 2013.

Rethinking Thomas Jefferson” by Robert Parry, July 4, 2013.

The Right’s Made-Up Constitution” by Jada Thacker, July 6, 2013.

US Energy Renaissance Shifts Power” by Andres Cala, July 9, 2013.

Bringing Back Jim Crow” by Robert Parry, July 10, 2013.

PRISM’s Controversial Forerunner” by Richard L. Fricker, July 11, 2013.

Ignoring the GOP’s White Racism” by Robert Parry, July 12, 2013.

Israel’s Nuke Arsenal Off-Limits” by Robert Parry, July 15, 2013.

WPost’s Cohen Fears the Hoodie” by Robert Parry, July 17, 2013.

Rand Paul’s Neo-Confederate Aide” by Robert Parry, July 19, 2013.

Gen. Hayden’s Glass House” by Ray McGovern, July 21, 2013.

L’Affaire Snowden Shows US Weakness” by Andres Cala, July 22, 2013.

Racist Roots of GOP’s War on Obama” by Robert Parry, July 24, 2013.

UK Spy Warns of Iraq War Disclosures” by Annie Machon, July 25, 2013.

Puttin’ the Pressure on Putin” by Ray McGovern, July 28, 2013.

Scooping the Boys of the Vietnam Press” by Don North, July 30, 2013.

GOP’s Mad Health-Care Agenda” by Beverly Bandler, Aug. 3, 2013.

The Moral Imperative of Activism” by Ray McGovern, Aug. 12, 2013.

Struggling for Peace in Colombia” by Andres Cala, Aug. 12, 2013.

America’s Upside-Down Morality” by Robert Parry, Aug. 15, 2013.

How False History Props Up the Right” by Robert Parry, Aug. 17, 2013.

Did Manning Help Avert War in Iran?” by Robert Parry, Aug. 19, 2013.

Rick Perry’s Neo-Confederate Stance” by Robert Parry, Aug. 23, 2013.

A CIA Hand in an American Coup” by Robert Parry, Aug. 26, 2013.

The Broader Stakes of Syrian Crisis” by Ray McGovern, Aug. 27, 2013.

Rushing to War Against Syria” by Robert Parry, Aug. 28, 2013.

The Saudi-Israeli Superpower” by Robert Parry, Aug. 29, 2013.

A Dodgy Dossier on Syrian War” by Robert Parry, Aug. 30, 2013.

Getting Syria-ous About Peace Talks” by Robert Parry, Sept. 1, 2013.

Understanding the Syrian Civil War” by William R. Polk, Sept. 3, 2013.

Should We Fall Again for ‘Trust Me’” by Ray McGovern, Sept. 3, 2013.

The Still-Sketchy Intel on Syria” by Lisa Pease, Sept. 4, 2013.

All Scrubbed Up, Nowhere to Show” by Robert Parry, Sept. 4, 2013.

Obama Warned on Syrian Intel” by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Sept. 6, 2013.

Congress Denied Syrian Facts, Too” by Robert Parry, Sept. 7, 2013.

Time to Reveal US Intel on Syria” by Ray McGovern, Sept. 9, 2013.

Obama Still Withholds Syria Evidence” by Robert Parry, Sept. 11, 2013.

How War on Syria Lost Its Way” by Ray McGovern, Sept. 14, 2013.

Do Syrian Rebels Have Sarin?” by Robert Parry, Sept. 15, 2013.

The Mysterious Death of a UN Hero” by Lisa Pease, Sept. 16, 2013.

Murky Clues from UN’s Syria Report” by Robert Parry, Sept. 17, 2013.

Israel Sides with Syrian Jihadists” by Robert Parry, Sept. 18, 2013.

Should Cruise Missiles Target Saudis?” by Robert Parry, Sept. 23. 2013.

Dangerous Addiction to Secrecy” by Robert Parry, Sept. 24, 2013.

Syrian Rebels Embrace Al-Qaeda” by Robert Parry, Sept. 26, 2013.

The Four Eras of the American Right” by Robert Parry, Sept. 28, 2013.

The White Man’s Last Tantrum?” by Robert Parry, Oct. 4, 2013.

The Koch Brothers’ ‘Samson Option’” by Robert Parry, Oct. 8, 2013.

Making the Economy Scream” by Robert Parry, Oct. 9, 2013.

Israeli-Saudi Alliance Slips into View” by Robert Parry, Oct. 12, 2013.

Edward Snowden’s Brave Integrity” by Ray McGovern, Oct. 15, 2013.

How US Pressure Bends UN Agencies” by Robert Parry, Oct. 16, 2013.

The Abject Failure of Reaganomics” by Robert Parry, Oct. 17, 2013.

A Fascist Revival Stirs in Spain” by Andres Cala, Oct. 19, 2013.

Dick Cheney’s Heartless Hypocrisy” by Robert Parry, Oct. 25, 2013.

Treating Anti-Syria Charges as Flat-Fact” by Robert Parry, Oct. 25, 2013.

Dangerous History of Regime Change” by Beverly Deepe Keever, Oct. 25, 2013.

The Tea Party’s Confederate Roots” by Beverly Bandler, Oct. 25, 2013.

A Threat to Nuke Tehran” by Robert Parry, Oct. 26, 2013.

Tea Party and ’12 Years a Slave’” by Robert Parry, Oct. 30, 2013.

Republicans, Unhinged” by Beverly Bandler, Oct. 31, 2013.

Gunning Down a Boy with a Toy Gun” by Dennis J Bernstein, Nov. 6, 2013.

Kerry’s Saudi-Israeli Appeasement Tour” by Robert Parry, Nov. 6, 2013.

A Showdown for War or Peace” by Robert Parry, Nov. 10, 2013.

Will NSA Reforms Protect Citizens?” by Andres Cala, Nov. 11, 2013.

Why France Sank an Iran Nuke Deal” by Robert Parry, Nov. 11, 2013.

Neocons Still Hoping for US-Iran Clash” by Robert Parry, Nov. 13, 2013.

Fixing Intel Around Syria Policy” by Robert Parry, Nov. 14, 2013.

The Saudi-Israeli Tag Team” by Robert Parry, Nov. 15, 2013.

Where New JFK Evidence Points” by Jim DiEugenio, Nov. 19, 2013.

November 1963: Days of Murder” by Beverly Deepe Keever, Nov. 19, 2013.

NSA Spying’s Economic Fallout” by Sander Venema, Nov. 19, 2013.

Who Controls US Foreign Policy?” by Robert Parry, Nov. 20, 2013.

JFK and the Anti-Conspiracy Conspiracy” by JP Sottile, Nov. 21, 2013.

Almost Thwarting Nixon’s Dirtiest Trick” by Beverly Deepe Keever, Nov. 22, 2013.

A Saudi-Israeli Defeat on Iran Deal” by Robert Parry, Nov. 24, 2013.

JFK’s Embrace of Third-World Nationalists” by Jim DiEugenio, Nov. 25, 2013.

The Right’s Misconstrued Constitution” by Robert Parry, Nov. 29, 2013.

Contra-Cocaine Was a Real Conspiracy” by Robert Parry, Dec. 2, 2013.

US Shutting Down a Key News Source” by Elizabeth Murray, Dec. 3. 2013.

Saudi-Israeli Alliance Boosts Al-Qaeda” by Robert Parry, Dec. 4, 2013.

Warring Over the War Over Christmas” by Nat Parry, Dec. 4, 2013.

Honoring Mandela, Not Reagan” by Robert Parry, Dec. 6, 2013.

New Evidence of Contra-Cocaine Scandal” by Robert Parry, Dec. 9. 2013.

Obama’s Syria Strategy at Crossroads” by Robert Parry, Dec. 12, 2013.

Latin America Finds Its Footing” by Andres Cala, Dec. 16, 2013.

Judge Leon’s Dirty Climb to the Bench” by Robert Parry, Dec. 17, 2013.

Unjust Aftermath: Post-Noriega Panama” by Jonathan Marshall, Dec. 19, 2013.

Lost in an Anthopecene Wonderland” by Phil Rockstroh, Dec. 20, 2013.

NYT Replays Its Iraq Fiasco in Syria” by Robert Parry, Dec. 20, 2013.

Truman’s True Warning on the CIA” by Ray McGovern, Dec. 22, 2013.

A History of False Fear” by Joe Lauria, Dec. 23, 2013.

Obama’s Not-So-Terrible Year” by Robert Parry, Dec. 26, 2013.

NYT Backs Off Its Syria-Sarin Analysis” by Robert Parry, Dec. 29, 2013.

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