Category: WMD

10 Principles for 21st Century Peace

An extensive and historically unprecedented set of international institutions offer invaluable tools for pursuing what Immanuel Kant called a “federation of free states,” writes Jeffrey Sachs.

Using Ukraine Since 1948

The U.S. has staged operations with extremists from Ukraine to undermine Russia for nearly 8 decades. It’s led us to the doorstep of nuclear annihilation.

Spring Fund Drive — Show Your Support

Consortium News today launches its 2024 Spring Fund Drive to continue our coverage of Gaza, Julian Assange, Ukraine, the Middle East and much more. To keep going we depend on your generous support. 

9/11 Bred a ‘War on Terror’ from Hell

A pattern of regret — distinct from remorse — for the venture militarism that failed in Afghanistan and Iraq does exist, writes Norman Solomon. But the disorder persists in U.S. foreign policy.