Category: Constitution

TikTok & Free Speech

The same government that cannot audit its own Defense Department, and can’t balance its own budget, is going to protect us from the Chinese — even if free speech is impaired in the process, writes Andrew P. Napolitano.

Trump Issues Order to End Censorship

On Monday President Donald Trump signed an executive order that ensures no federal government official facilitates conduct that would unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen, reports Joe Lauria.

Killing the Constitution at Gitmo

Andrew P. Napolitano on the George W. Bush-crafted Devil’s Island at Guantanamo Bay and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s pending courtroom plea, which will take place before Biden leaves office.

Office Pool 2025

Andrew P. Napolitano offers 20 multiple-choice predictions concerning the Trump team, the U.S. government, the Supreme Court, popular culture, an array of politicians —  and more.

Shoot the Drones!

Congress has made us helpless before whoever is terrifying the populace in New Jersey, writes Andrew P. Napolitano. This is contrary to the reason for which we have government.