Rampant war crimes and ceasefire violations mark the trail of the Greater Israel project as it advances — with help from the U.S.-backed government in Beirut — in southern Lebanon.
That General Joseph Aoun is the U.S. and Israel’s man is not in doubt. This is another defeat for Hezbollah following its disastrous ceasefire agreement, which led to the same-day start of the assault on their ally Assad.
CN Live! speaks to Andrew Fowler about his new book Nuked: The Submarine Fiasco that Sank Australia’s Sovereignty, how Australia deceived France, undermined its independence and helps threaten war with China. Watch the replay on demand.
Frantz Fanon said so-called flag nationalists mobilize the people with slogans and leave real independence to future events. Six decades later, we are now in the midst of these “future events.”
The Pentagon refuses to say whether Joe Biden even informed it of his reckless decision to allow the strikes, which the DoD has strenuously opposed, reports Joe Lauria.
PACE’s designation of Julian Assange as a political prisoner was the only part of the European Council’s resolution on which the Atlanticists even attempted to mount a rearguard action.
CN Live! previews the BRICS summit starting Tuesday in Kazan, Russia as Ukraine falters, the Mideast blows up and BRICS advances its alternate economic system. With Pepe Escobar, Scott Ritter and Mark Sleboda.