Choose the Top Ten Consortium News Stories of 2018


As part of our Winter Fund Drive, Consortium News is asking readers to name the top ten articles CN published during 2018. The results will be announced on Dec. 31.

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Vote for the Top 10 CN Stories of the Year

List your top ten choices in the comments section. Among the themes we covered most in 2018 were Iran, Palestine, Syria, Russia-gate, European popularism, Intelligence, Media, North Korea, Empire, Immigration and Julian Assange/WikiLeaks. 

Here is a list of 50 original stories we have nominated in chronological order but you can choose any that you favor:


Robert Parry’s Legacy and the Future of Consortiumnews

The Mueller Indictments: The Day the Music Died

How ‘Operation Merlin’ Poisoned U.S. Intelligence on Iran

The National Endowment for (Meddling in) Democracy

American Public Troubled by ‘Deep State’

America’s Complicated Relationship with International Human Rights Norms

King’s Legacy Betrayed

America’s ‘Unlimited Imperialists’

‘A Very Different Journalist’: John Pilger’s Tribute to Bob Parry

Bob Parry: Holding Government and Media to Account

It Started Over Lunch and Led to the Exposure of One of the Greatest Scandals in U.S. History

War Fever

May Day ‘71: When Bob Parry Went to Jail in the Biggest Mass Arrest in U.S. History

Robert Mueller: Gone Fishing

The Latest Act in Israel’s Iran Nuclear Disinformation Campaign

Haspel Says CIA Won’t Torture Again as Ray McGovern is Dragged Out of Hearing

U.S. Media Whitewashes Gaza Massacre

A Tale of Two Tortures

European Earthquake as Populist Government Forms in Italy

Spooks Spooking Themselves

Distorting the Life of Bobby Kennedy

Democrats Put Partisanship Before Prospects for Peace

Letter From Britain: An Establishment Blinded By Russophobia

The Legacy and Fallacies of Bernard Lewis

Corporate Media’s About-Face on Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis

Clinging to Collusion: Why Evidence Will Probably Never Be Produced in the Indictments of ‘Russian Agents’

US Media is Losing Its Mind Over Trump-Putin Summit

Inside WikiLeaks: Working with the Publisher that Changed the World

The Case for Stripping Former Officials of their Security Clearances

The Gray Lady Thinks Twice About Assange’s Prosecution

Letter from Britain—Lost in a Brexit Maze: a Baffled Political Class Dreads the Prospect of Jeremy Corbyn

Ahed Tamimi and Her Mother are Freed from Jail

VIPS to Trump:  Intel on Iran Could be CATASTROPHIC

Giving Trump Carte Blanche for War

Senator Richard Burr: a Longtime Fan of Torture

The Other Side of John McCain

How the Department of Homeland Security Created a Deceptive Tale of Russia Hacking US Voter Sites

Letter from Britain: The Real Reason for the ‘Anti-Semite’ Campaign Against Jeremy Corbyn

How Yasser Arafat Led the Palestinians to Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’

The New York Times as Judge and Jury

The Battle for Our Minds

Seven Days in September

The Shaky Case That Russia Manipulated Social Media to Tip the 2016 Election

Khashoggi Was No Critic of Saudi Regime

Welcome to the Jungle

The Saudi-US Crisis Will Pass

The West is Failing Julian Assange

National Exclusive: Former Sen. Barbara Boxer’s Son and California Powerbroker Found Bilking Indian Tribe

Israel’s Overlooked Strategic Losses in Wars Against Arabs


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