Wrapping Up Spring Fund Drive

From Editor Robert Parry: We are wrapping up our spring fund drive and need your help to get at least halfway to our goal of $25,000. Our ability to provide important information on Election 2012 will be impaired if we can’t…

Iran’s Rational Strategy

Official Washington’s view of Iran is that the Islamic state is dangerously irrational, requiring “crippling sanctions” to bully it into concessions over its nuclear program. But Iran’s negotiating strategy is actually more thoughtful and deliberate, Gareth Porter writes for Al Jazeera.

Ray McGovern Praises Consortiumnews

From Editor Robert Parry: Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern paid Consortiumnews a big compliment the other day, when he said he hoped our Web site could endure because it offers historians and citizens a solid record from which to understand what’s happened in…