European Workers Betrayed

Unlike the U.S., Europe has strong, influential labor unions; yet they have been unable, or unwilling, to stop the austerity-based policies demanded by European institutions, reports Andrew Spannaus.

Restoring the Rule of Law

The rule of law is in grave danger in the U.S. and can be saved by ending perpetual war, prosecuting war crimes, and reforming campaign finance and the judicial system, argues Inder Comar.

Doomsday Machines

The Doomsday Machine, published in December by Bloomsbury, is Daniel Ellsberg’s account of the 1960s U.S. nuclear weapons program told from his experience as a consultant to the Pentagon and the White House. Ellsberg drafted Defense Secretary Robert McNamara’s nuclear war…

Welcome to Vietnam, Mr. President

From the Archives:  As President Trump faces opposition from his generals to pull U.S. troops from Syria, here’s a look back to a similar fix another new president had gotten himself into, as Ray McGovern reported on March 28, 2009.