For a decade now, the American people have been told that only a “long war” against Islamist extremism can keep them safe from terrorism, even at the cost of trillions of dollars and loss of their liberties. Not even the…
Moving Beyond War
US Military Takes Lead on Anti-Gay Bias
Romney’s Neocon Foreign Policy Plan
GOP Sees ‘Mob’ in Wall St. Protests
Washington Protest Stays Put
Baby-Snatching: Argentine Dirty Secret
Israeli Rightists Threaten Arab Civilians
Reagan’s Bargain/Charlie Wilson’s War
Why Afghanistan Really Fell Apart
Toward a New National Security Policy
The Moral Imperative of ‘Activism’
Which Way on Afghan Peace Talks?
Reagan’s ‘Greed Is Good’ Folly
Occupying the Heart of the Beast
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From Robert Parry: For a limited time, we are offering as a three-book set Lost History, Secrecy & Privilege and Neck Deep at the deep discount price of only $29 for all three, postage included.
From Boston with the “99 Percent”
The “99 Percent” movement arising across the United States represents the first major public manifestation of disgust and fury at the rampant greed that has concentrated the nation’s wealth with the top “One Percent.” Economic journalist Mark Provost reports on his…