Danny Sjursen sees the Biden administration continuing American complicity in historic injustice in the Holy Land.
American Empire, Biden Administration, Commentary, Human Rights, Israel, Palestine, Trump Administration, U.S., Until This Day--Historical Perspectives on the News
The Moral Cowardice of UK’s Opposition Leader on Palestine
Google Employees Call on Company to Cut Ties to Israeli Military
American Empire, Biden Administration, Commentary, Israel, Legal, Militarism, Palestine, U.S., United Nations
Israel Isn’t Entitled to ‘Self-Defense’ Against the People Under Its Occupation
Commentary, Foreign Policy, Israel, Middle East, Palestine, U.S., Until This Day--Historical Perspectives on the News
PATRICK LAWRENCE: 1948 — No Longer Shrouded in the Mists
Israel Kills 11 Children Receiving Trauma Care in Their Homes
Biden Administration, Commentary, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Middle East, Nuclear Weapons, Syria, U.S., Until This Day--Historical Perspectives on the News
Leak Exposes Fissures in Iranian Establishment and Power Shift to Hard-Liners
Commentary, Iran, Israel, Mike Pompeo, Militarism, Nuclear Weapons, U.S., United Nations, Until This Day--Historical Perspectives on the News
Time to End the Silence on Israel’s Nuclear Weapons
When Israel Would Give Up Its Nukes
Ugliness Defines the Mood
Ending the Apartheid State
Democratic Opposition to Israel Grows, Putting Biden in a Bind
Likening Palestinians to Blades of Grass
Big Ag’s Wedding to Big Data
Jomo Kwame Sundara warns about how the Davos World Economic Forum’s much touted “Fourth Industrial Revolution” (IR4.0) is transforming food systems. For instance, agriculture is now second only to the military in drone use.
Chris Hedges: Israel, the Big Lie
Africa, Biden Administration, Commentary, Human Rights, Immigration, Latin America, Legal, Mexico, Politics, Trump Administration, U.S.
US-Made Border Crisis Persists Despite Biden’s About-Face on Refugee Cap
Our Budget
The Untold Story of Sheikh Jarrah
Israeli Defense Minister Threatens ‘Gaza Will Burn’ as IDF Readies Plans for Ground Invasion
Afghanistan, American Empire, Biden Administration, Column, Commentary, Iraq, Media, Middle East, Militarism, Russia, U.S., Until This Day--Historical Perspectives on the News