Category: Human Rights

Remember Afghanistan

Many of the most severe restrictions that people expected the Taliban to impose have not yet materialized, writes Kern Hendricks.

JOHN KIRIAKOU: I Work for Sputnik News

Torture, whistleblowing, extraordinary rendition, secret prisons, solitary confinement and corruption in the justice system. Those are Kiriakou’s subjects and he is happy to talk about them anywhere. 

Hunger Strike in Egypt

Under the Abdel Fattah el-Sisi regime, tens of thousands of political prisoners have faced harrowing conditions, especially medical negligence.

Britain’s Occupied Territory

Richard Norton-Taylor flags the U.K.’s dispute with Mauritius over sovereignty of the Chagos archipelago in the Indian Ocean, where the largest island hosts a major U.S. bomber base.

The US Persecution of Alex Saab

The diplomat currently languishing in a Miami prison has been vital to Venezuela’s ability to survive the brutal economic war being waged against it, writes Leonardo Flores.