Category: Human Rights

Blinken Lied to Congress

The U.S. secretary of state ignored evidence of siege warfare against civilians in Gaza because he knew he would face no consequences, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

Media Complicit in the Crimes of Israel

The pro-Israel bias in Western reporting makes the  media utterly complicit in Israel’s war crimes, writes Jonathan Cook, including when Israeli soldiers throw Palestinians off a roof.

Gitmo & Politics

Andrew P. Napolitano on a state of affairs unheard of in American jurisprudence, where judges don’t have bosses telling them what guilty pleas to accept and what to reject.

Chris Hedges: The Cost of Resistance

“No act of rebellion, however futile it appears in the moment, is wasted” — a talk by Hedges with an audio introduction by Just Stop Oil’s imprisoned Roger Hallam.