Disappointed that President Obama didn’t bomb Syria last year, the neocons and other war hawks are using the frustrations over initial peace talks in Geneva to ratchet up pressure for a “humanitarian” military assault now, as Rob Prince explains.
Does the Media Hate the Poor?
At a moment in history of unparalleled human wealth, the world confronts unprecedented poverty and even sharp declines in the middle classes of Western countries. But status-quo thinking by elites, including the U.S. media, obstruct solutions, says Danny Schechter.
Reining in the Drones
Obama Deflects Neocon Pressure on Syria
The Dangers of Stereotyping
Tea Party and Thomas Jefferson
Hectoring Obama Over Syria
Amazon, the CIA and Assassinations
The entangling threads connecting technology, media and the surveillance state have snarled so completely that it’s next to impossible to untie them, exemplified by Amazon, the Washington Post, and the CIA’s pending assassination of a suspected American terrorist, as Norman Solomon explains.
Learning the Wrong Mideast Lessons
The High Cost of a ‘War on Terror’
Is Hillary Clinton a Neocon-Lite?
France Stresses Accord with Obama
AIPAC’s Lost Invincibility
Neocons have remained a powerful force inside Official Washington despite their prominent role in the disastrous Iraq War. But the invincibility that they and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee once held has been shattered by recent defeats, says Trita…
A Half Century of the Beatles
The Beatles — introduced to Americans a half century ago — became a marker for Baby Boomers as they emerged from the shock of JFK’s death, faced the Vietnam War, grieved over the murder of prophets, including John Lennon, and confronted life’s endless complexities, as Michael…
Iran Extends a Hand to Israel
Putin Takes an Olympics Pounding
Playing Roulette with Doomsday
Israeli Rabbis Warn Kerry of God’s Wrath
Obama Ignores Key Afghan Warning
From the Archive: As the 12-year Afghan War grinds to what many Americans see as failure, ex-Defense Secretary Robert Gates and other hawks won’t admit their counterinsurgency “surge” in 2009 was a waste of lives and money or that U.S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry…