The list, writes Danny Sjursen, includes the latest atrocity in northern Ethiopia – and the broader Horn of Africa chess game.
What Happened to the Global Uprisings of a Decade Ago?
Melzer Asks Trump to Pardon Assange
The UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment has written to the U.S. president asking him to grant a pardon to the imprisoned publisher.
Chris Hedges: The Great Delusion
Biden Quietly Adds Goldman Sachs, Big Tech Officials to Transition
Consortium News Facing Cutbacks With Slow Winter Fund Drive
LETTER FROM INDIA: Indian Farmers’ Protest Takes Tragic Turn
VIPS MEMO: To Biden: Don’t Be Suckered on Russia
A Pandemic of ‘Russian Hacking’
25 YEARS OF CN: Russia-Hack Story, Another Media Failure—Dec. 19, 2016
Washington Post: Russians Are ‘Hacking Our Minds’
Study of 50 Years of Tax Cuts for Rich Confirms ‘Trickle Down’ an Absolute Sham
Glenn Greenwald’s Call Same as Bob Parry’s in 1995
After resigning from The Intercept when it suppressed one of his stories, Greenwald is calling for a new news outlet whose aim is the same as what the creator of this website established in November 1995.
Corporations Accused of Crimes Get More Rights Than People
The U.S. Labor Department guarantees privacy rights to corporations under investigation, a reasonable precaution not afforded to regular Americans, say Sarah Esther Lageson and Elizabeth Chiarello.
Only Freedom Can Quench the Thirst
COVID-19: Intellectual Property Monopolies Block Vaccine Access
COVID-19: A Vaccine That Was Hijacked by the Rich
America’s Ongoing Imperial Scam
Our Distance from Dirt
Many of us on the African continent clutch our unethically sourced pearls and briefly confront the ugly truths about our consumption, writes Takondwa Semphere. But then we forget.