Forest protection was notably missing from the legislation Congress passed in December to jump-start technological carbon capture and storage.
Managing Water in Cuba
US Facing Mexico’s Ban on GM-Corn Imports
YouTube Removes a CN Live! Episode
American Empire, Biden Administration, Commentary, Iraq, Militarism, News Analysis, Syria, Turkey, U.S., Yemen
The ‘Morality’ of AI Weaponry
Millionaires Have Already Stopped Paying 2021 Social Security
JOHN KIRIAKOU: One Thing Trump Got Right
Nigeria’s Ecological Emergency
Dozens of UK Former Senior Officials Profit from Fossil Fuel Corporations
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Biden’s Missing Link with Europe
Reuters, BBC in Covert UK Program to Push Western Agenda
American Empire, Biden Administration, Commentary, Militarism, Obama Administration, Trump Administration, U.S.
Will Biden Finally Bring Troops Home from Afghanistan?
The US ‘Genocide’ Accusation Against China
LETTER FROM LONDON: On the Matter of Assange’s Lawyers Considering a Cross Appeal
13 Years Was Too Long for Shell’s Victims in Nigeria
Books, Commentary, Indigenous People, International, Protests, Until This Day--Historical Perspectives on the News
Using Das Kapital as a Pillow
US Attacks BDS for Same Reason Nixon Started Drug War
White House Seeks $200 Million Arms Sale to Egypt
Poll: Likely Voters Support ‘Wall Street Tax Act’
The levy would target high-frequency trading and is projected to generate $777 billion over a 10-year period.