Two recent instances of “force and precision” ordered by Biden marked the presumed end to the war in Afghanistan just as it had begun, writes Brian Terrell.
Afghanistan, Analysis, Biden Administration, Commentary, Foreign Policy, Intelligence, Julian Assange, Military Industry, U.S.
US Airstrikes & Civilian Killings Since 9/11
Afghanistan, Africa, American Empire, Analysis, Biden Administration, Commentary, Foreign Policy, Intelligence, International, Militarism, Pentagon, U.S. Congress, Until This Day--Historical Perspectives on the News
Lessons for the Evacuation of Afghanistan
Analysis, Cold War, Commentary, COVID-19, Economy, Health Reform, International, Until This Day--Historical Perspectives on the News
The Attack on Healthcare as a Human Right
Afghanistan, Africa, American Empire, Analysis, Biden Administration, Commentary, Foreign Policy, Israel, United Nations
IS-K, the Taliban & Africa’s ‘Frozen Uprising’
Advanced Technologies, American Empire, Militarism, Race Relations, Racism, Social Media, Surveillance, U.S., U.S. Congress
US Agencies’ Planned Expansion of Facial Recognition
US Collected 4.8 Million Biometric Records of Afghans
A Truth Commission for the Afghan War
The Newspaper That Smeared Corbyn
Jonathan Cook analyzes why a British media watchdog doesn’t take meaningful action against The Jewish Chronicle for its anti-Semitism libels against the former Labour leader and his followers.
Biden Threatens More Illegal War in Afghanistan
Afghanistan, Analysis, Foreign Policy, Iraq, Militarism, Pakistan, Pentagon, Somalia, Syria, U.S., Yemen
Estimated Cost of Post-9/11 US Wars Hits $8 Trillion With Nearly a Million People Dead
Closed Borders & Hostile Receptions Await Afghan Refugees
Refugees After the American Revolution
Afghanistan, American Empire, Analysis, Biden Administration, Commentary, Iraq, Lebanon, Media, Middle East, Militarism, Military, Pentagon, Propaganda, U.S.
The Beltway Media’s Loyalty to Permanent War State
Call for Drone Moratorium After Latest Civilian Killings
Afghanistan, American Empire, CN Live!, History, Intelligence, International, Militarism, Military, Pakistan, War Crimes, WikiLeaks
WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Afghanistan: The 20-Year Disaster’
Afghanistan, American Empire, Analysis, Biden Administration, Commentary, Intelligence, Militarism, U.S.
Blowback: Taliban Target US Intel’s Shadow Army
‘Blood for Blood’: Resistance in Jenin
Afghanistan, American Empire, Analysis, Assange extradition, Commentary, International, Militarism, Soviet Union, U.S., United Kingdon, War Crimes