Making the US Economy ‘Scream’

Exclusive: Over the past several decades, Republican methods for winning national power have come to resemble CIA techniques for destabilizing an enemy country — through the use of black propaganda, political skullduggery and economic disruptions. Now, heading toward Election 2012, the Republicans appear poised to make the U.S. economy “scream,” observes…

Is Unity Still a Value?

As the United States commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Civil War fought over the South’s secession in defense of slavery today’s irony is that the U.S. government is experiencing a resurgence of the divisions that empowered secession in 1861,…

US Spying Detects No Iranian Nukes

Despite fresh alarms from U.S. and Israeli officials about Iran’s nuclear program, evidence remains elusive that Iran has resumed work on a bomb. That lack of proof continues even though U.S. intelligence has engaged in extensive monitoring of suspected research…

Obama’s Peace Talk Ploy

The killing of Osama bin Laden and reports of peace talks with the Afghan Taliban have raised U.S. hopes that the long war in Afghanistan might finally be heading toward a conclusion, but some sources suggest that there is less to these…

Why US Must Leave Iraq

Neoconservatives want the Obama administration to pressure Iraq into permitting American troops to stay in the country after 2011, all the better to avoid having to admit what a strategic disaster the Iraq invasion was. But the Independent Institute’s Ivan…

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At the end of each month, pays as much as it can to writers who provide original content for this Web site. This is not just the right thing to do, but it enables these talented individuals to continue…