Tag: Vijay Prashad

Investing in Guns or People?

For an explanation of the massive inflationary wave that is now cresting on the world and causing widespread suffering and instability, Vijay Prashad turns to U.S. economic policy. 

Globalization Without an Epicenter

E. Ahmet Tonak and Vijay Prashad say a retreat from Western-designed globalization by some areas of the world began before the pandemic and before Russia’s war on Ukraine. 

A World Without Walls

Once the Russian government decided that integration with Europe and the U.S. was not possible, the West began to portray Putin as diabolical, writes Vijay Prashad.

A Period of Great Tectonic Shifts

Vijay Prashad presents six theses about the establishment of the U.S.-shaped world order in 1990 and its current fragility in the face of growing Russian and Chinese power.

You Are Also a Victim of War

The fighting in Ukraine, which is taking place in and around nuclear power plants, and the loose comments made by powerful men about nuclear weapons remind us of the great dangers we face, writes Vijay Prashad.

In These Days of Great Tension

Rather than allow this war to escalate and for positions to harden, it is important for the guns to go silent and the discussions to recommence. writes Vijay Prashad.