With a few exceptions, the initial reception of the “Occupy” movement across America was fairly benign. But authorities in Oakland and elsewhere are now turning aggressive, sending in police to shut down encampments and disperse protesters, as Phil Rockstroh observes.
‘Occupy’ Protests Grow in Philadelphia
Vatican Decries Financial Excesses
Toward a Non-Violent Revolution
Convicting Iran Outside a Courtroom
The MSM’s Fear of OWS
Israel Rejects Appeal for Change
Low-Balling Afghan Civilian Deaths
Why the Left Won’t Accept Success
As Wall Street’s Universe Collapses
Switching Focus from Iraq to Iran
Neocons Blame Obama for Iraq Disaster
NPR Retaliates Against Opera Show
Intelligence, Lost History, Media, Obama Administration, Right Wing, Secrecy, The Bush-43 Administration
Falling for New Neocon Propaganda
Selling Out the Tea Partiers
Human Rights, Lost History, Media, Obama Administration, Politics, Right Wing, The Bush-43 Administration
Ending the Iraq Catastrophe
Intriguing Shakespeare Author Mystery
Sloppy Iran Think by WPost’s Cohen
In a powerful place like Washington D.C., sloppy thinking can have horrendous consequences, a truism that Big Media pundits have proved over and over. Now, the target is Iran and the usual suspects, the likes of the Washington Post’s Richard…