PEN America notes that while fewer gag order measures have become law this year compared to 2021, this year’s spike in bills has included proposals that are far more punitive.
As some politicians try to shackle educators with restrictive laws, Raphael E. Rogers recommends using historical records to show the role that slavery played in the forming of a nation.
This blood-soaked empire manager is not warning about Washington’s pursuit of planetary hegemony because he has gotten saner. It’s because the war machine has gotten crazier.
Disarmament in the time of Perestroika spotlights the pivotal contributions of U.S.-Soviet inspectors in helping to complete the 1988 INF treaty, which took effect after a period of bilateral tensions that could be considered more severe than those of today.
The more insurmountable the crisis becomes, the more we, like our prehistoric ancestors, will retreat into self-defeating responses, violence, magical thinking and denial.
With an eye on a major climate gathering in November, Marcy Winograd says a veterans’ group wants the White House to apologize for the way Pelosi unnecessarily escalated tension in the Asia Pacific.
Many of the beneficiaries of the state’s program have parent companies with high carbon emissions and a history of fighting climate policies, write Nathan Jensen and Isabella Steinhauer.