Hubris has been the fatal weakness of every empire there has been, says John Wight.
Category: Trump Administration
The USA’s Slavish Saudi Allegiance Against Iran
Premiere of CN Live! Season 2 on the Crisis With Iran
VIPS MEMO: Doubling Down Into Yet Another ‘March of Folly,’ This Time on Iran
“We write with a sense of urgency suggesting you avoid doubling down on catastrophe,” VIPS tells Donald Trump in its latest memo to the president.
PEPE ESCOBAR: US Kick Starts Raging ’20s Declaring War on Iran
Qassem Suleimani Air Strike Escalates US Assassination Policy
The killing of the Iranian general signals an escalation in the U.S. policy of assassination and targeted killing, says Luca Trenta.
ROBERT PARRY: An Apology & Explanation, Two Years On
150 Cooks, Servers & Dishwashers Almost Shut Down Thursday Night’s Democratic Debate, Showing Unions’ Growing Clout in the Party
Trump’s victories in key swing states showed that Democrats had to focus more on workers’ support, writes Ruben J. Garcia.
When a Chief Justice Reminded Senators in an Impeachment Trial That They Were not Jurors
With an eye on Trump’s impeachment trial, Steven Lubet points out that senators at such a trial are not the equivalent of a jury and are not held to a juror’s standard of neutrality.
Doctors Issue Urgent Australian Appeal to Save Julian Assange
More than 100 medical doctors urge the Australian government to protect the life of its citizen “before it is too late.”