CN Live! Documentary: ‘The Extradition of Julian Assange’


NEW:  Watch an expanded documentary by CN Live! Executive Producer Cathy Vogan based on Consortium News‘ reporting from London on the first week of Julian Assange’s extradition hearing.

in London
Special to Consortium News 

In the last week before Julian Assange’s extradition hearing, people flocked from around the world to London, to defend the imprisoned journalist and call for his release. CN Live! covered a myriad of events and spoke with a number of participants about the significance of this case, which the UK Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell has referred to as “the Dreyfus case of our age; the way in which a person is being persecuted, for political reasons, for simply exposing the truth about what went on in recent wars.” 

Table of Contents with links to specific points in the film below.


00:00:00 Kristinn Hrafnsson ”We’re dealing with a Dark Force” (22 Feb 2020)

00:01:48 Patrick Henningsen Reads letter (22 Feb 2020) from “ïnternational jurists” to UK PM Boris Johnson (et al)

00:22:18 Craig Murray “Julian refused to give up a source in the hope of securing his own freedom.” (22 Feb 2020)

00:25:30 Extradition Special LONDON – to DAY 1 of hearing (24 Feb 2020)

00:26:31 Emmy Butlin & Angie Curran,

00:26:43 John McDonnell outside Belmarsh (20 Feb 2020)

00:28:27 Jennifer Robinson, WL Press Conference (18 Feb 2020)

00:28:46 Andrew Wilkie, George Christiensen (18 Feb 2020)

00:29:44 George Christiensen, WL Press Conference (18 Feb 2020)

00:30:53 Frontline Club Patrick Cockburn & Richard Gizbert (20 Feb 2020)

00:33:29 Mark Davis in Sydney on Afghan War Logs (9 Aug 2019)

00:41:00 Randy Credico, Australia House London (22 Feb 2020)

00:44:20 March to Parliament Sq, London (22 Feb 2020)

00:45:21 John Shipton (22 Feb 2020)

00:46:56 Roger Waters (22 Feb 2020)

00:49:44 Tareq Ali (22 Feb 2020)

00:55:19 Joe Lauria discusses several key issues

00:59:19 Outside the court (24 Feb 2020)

01:01:35 Studio Interview: Catherine Brown Presented jurist open letter (read out above) to 10 Downing Street (23 Feb 2020)

01:12:48 Yanis Varoufakis (22 Feb 2020)

01:19:23 Studio Interview Alexander Mercouris (23 Feb 2020)

01:44:32 Patrick Henningsen with Joe Lauria (22 Feb 2020)

01:50:08 Randy Credico with Joe Lauria re Rohrabacher (22 Feb)

01:56:14 Videolink Interview Ray McGovern – the WL-DOJ “2017 deal” (23 Feb 2020)

02:18:18 Gary Webb Award. Joe Lauria presents award to Kristinn Hrafnsson (22 Feb)

Cathy Vogan is executive producer of CN Live!


2 comments for “CN Live! Documentary: ‘The Extradition of Julian Assange’

  1. Kevin Ward
    April 6, 2020 at 11:13

    “Julian refused to give up a source in the hope of securing his own freedom.”

    This dedication to journalistic confidentiality is the reason the UK at the behest of the US military AND industrial complex continues its suppression of truth for criminal practices.

    Free Julian now and with him the weapons we need to battle onerous international rapaciousness.

  2. geeyp
    April 5, 2020 at 01:34

    Hello Cathy! Great to have it indexed like this. Thank you.

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