Category: Politics

ELECTION 2020: From Bob to Don

Why did Trump agree to this book: Details recounted are less important than the projection of the Oval Office’s powerful, intoxicating atmosphere dominated by the commanding presence of the Chief Executive, writes Michael Brenner.

Kevin Zeese, a Fighter for Truth, Dies at 64

Kevin died while planning to write about the extradition trial of Julian Assange, writes Margaret Flowers. He  understood the great importance of this prosecution as a battle that will define journalism in the 21st century and our right to know.

Kevin Zeese: Irreplaceable

There is no doubt that if thousands follow his lead we will have a world transformed, writes David Swanson. Kevin Zeese died suddenly early Sunday morning at 64. 

CN Live! Goes Live with Patreon!

Consortium News‘ unique webcast CN Live! has added a whole new dimension to the website Bob Parry founded 25 years ago. And now there’s a whole new way for you to show your support!