Category: Ukraine

ROBERT PARRY: Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis Demand Respect

Thousands of Ukraine’s neo-Nazis surrounded parliament in Kiev demanding the government honor Ukrainian paramilitary forces who fought for Adolf Hitler, another embarrassing reminder of the extremism unleashed by the U.S.-backed coup, Robert Parry wrote on Oct. 15, 2014.

Sleepwalking into a Nuclear Nightmare

At no point is it permissible to question if these nations might be reacting defensively to western aggressions and discuss the possibility of working toward detente, writes Caity Johnstone.

WATCH: US Hegemony Challenged

Editor Joe Lauria appeared on the TV show CrossTalk to discuss the decline of Anglo-Saxon power, the rise of China and Europe’s potentially non-aligned path.

The NATO Iron Curtain

NATO wants to close Hungary behind an iron curtain, says this Declaration of the Hungarian Community for Peace (Magyar Békekör).