There were Egyptian elections before Mohammed Morsi, who underestimated the anti-democratic impulses of Arab tyrannies, and assumed Western governments wouldn’t stand for an overthrow of a democratically-elected president.
Category: International
On The New York Times Cartoon Ban
Daniel Lazare looks into the Times’ overreaction to charges of anti-Semitism.
What Italy Can Learn From its Women’s Soccer Team
Echoes of FDR in Trump’s Bid for Palestinian Surrender
RAY McGOVERN: Hope for a Breakthrough in Korea
Power Versus the Press: The Extradition Cases of Pinochet & Assange
The Danger of Getting Sidetracked
What this story really shows is how the corporate media derails meaningful debates and draws us all into a modern version of bread and circuses, writes Jonathan Cook.
Scenario Fulfillment: Why Should We Believe US on Location of Drone Shot Down By Iran?
JOHN KIRIAKOU: Adam Schiff—The Left Wing of the Hawk
Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, is as big a hawk as any member of the Trump administration, says John Kirikaou.