Starbucks in Chile has been fined the most for anti-union practices devised in Seattle headquarters, where a tough campaign against U.S. employees has been brewed, writes Andrés Giordano.
Permanent war has cannibalized the country. It has created a social, political, and economic morass. Each new military debacle is another nail in the coffin of Pax Americana.
Irina Starovoyt, a Ukrainian poet from Lvov, spoke with CN Live! during PEN International’s annual writers’ meeting in Bled, Slovenia on Russia’s motives, the role of neo-Nazis and the 2014 events in Ukraine.
UPDATE: The new Australian PM met Joe Biden Tuesday with no sign he raised Julian Assange, while committing Australia to U.S. security policy in the Pacific, reports Joe Lauria.
You can be sure that these obscene, unverified charges against Russian forces won’t attract the social-media censors who are supposedly rooting out “disinformation.”