In this introduction to the memoir of a Nagasaki bombing victim, historian Peter Kuznick shows why the bombs were dropped and how some victims’ anger propelled the Japanese anti-nuclear movement.
Category: Arts
LEE CAMP: 28 Million Evictions Loom as Houses Sit Empty
The Impossible Dream
The former national security adviser reveals a national goal that is simple and blunt: American dominance of the world, writes Michael Brenner.
WATCH: ‘Not in Our Name’
Meritocracy Legitimizes & Deepens Inequality
A system that is seemingly based on ability has become the new means for exclusion, writes Jomo Kwame Sundaram.
An Age in Need of Heroes
The Establishment creates wars and quagmires that require people of integrity, courage, and nobility to waste their talents saving people whom the Establishment assigns to the role of cannon-fodder, writes Vladimir Golstein.
LEE CAMP: Connecting the Dates – US Media Used To Stop The ‘Threat’ of Peace
Bolton Weaves a Tall Tale in His Venezuela Chapter
THE ANGRY ARAB: ‘The 1967 Defeat’ Industry
Bolton’s Memoir Undercuts Hype as Impeachment’s Would-Be Star Witness
Aaron Maté reports on John Bolton’s controversial new book and finds that Bolton would have had little evidence to present had he testified at Trump’s impeachment hearing.