Category: American Empire

Now Let’s Do the US Oligarchs

Richard Eskow says Biden laid out a blueprint for responding to American oligarchs and super-predators who dwarf their Russian counterparts in wealth and political power.

Ukraine & Nukes

After a New York Times reporter grossly distorted what Putin and Zelensky have said and done about nuclear weapons, Steven Starr corrects the record and deplores Western media, in general, for misinforming  and leading the entire world in a dangerous direction.

Britain’s Occupied Territory

Richard Norton-Taylor flags the U.K.’s dispute with Mauritius over sovereignty of the Chagos archipelago in the Indian Ocean, where the largest island hosts a major U.S. bomber base.

WATCH: ‘The War in Ukraine’

In 2015 and 2017, the Watchdog Media Institute released a 22-part video series on Maidan and Kiev’s war on ethnic Russians. Watch the summary 25-minute film and the entire series here.