After conventional Arab armies failed to deter Israeli invasions, Lebanese and Palestinian volunteers have changed the strategic balance in the Middle East, writes As`ad AbuKhalil.
Tag: Palestine
CN VIDEO—Women’s March on the Headquarters of War: The Full Video Report
Israel’s 50-Year Time Bomb
In the quest to change Israel’s very nature, the Netanyahu government is pushing Palestinians to the edge – with the support of the Trump White House, says Dan Steinbock.
The Art of No Mideast Deal
The Trouble With ‘Preventing Palestine’
How Yasser Arafat Led the Palestinians to Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’
Compromises made by the late PLO leader have the paved the way for the most humiliating deal offered the Palestinians yet, comments As’ad AbuKhalil.
Corbyn Might Long Regret Capitulation on Anti-Semitism
Freedom Flotilla Missions Will Continue ‘Until Palestine Is Free’
Corbyn’s Labour is Being Made to Fail – by Design
Besieged for four years with charges of anti-semitism, Jeremy Corbyn’s allies in the Labour leadership have largely lost the stomach for battle, one that was never about substance or policy but about character assassination, says Jonathan Cook.