Chelsea Manning has done a great service in finally stripping away the last vestige of excuse from the figures who refuse to support Julian Assange, says Craig Murray.
Tag: Iran
Is War With Iran on the Horizon?
Despite growing Trump administration tensions with Venezuela and even with North Korea, Iran is the likeliest spot for Washington’s next shooting war, says Bob Dreyfuss for TomDispatch.
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Pompeo, Pence & the Alienation of Europe
Why China Tiptoed onto the Far Side of the Moon
A Reuters Report on Iran That Spurred US Diatribes
The Saudi-US Crisis Will Pass
Despite Saudi Crisis, US Increases Threats Against Iran
New Iran Sanctions Risk Long-term US Isolation
The U.S. is going for the jugular with new Iran sanctions intended to punish those who trade with Teheran. But the U.S. may have a fight on its hands in a possible post- WWII turning-point, writes Patrick Lawrence.