From the Archive: A mythology has long surrounded why America got into its 10-year-long Afghan war, based on the false premise that Washington’s big mistake was abandoning Afghanistan after the Soviets departed in 1989. The reality was quite different, as foreign…
Toward a New National Security Policy
The Moral Imperative of ‘Activism’
Which Way on Afghan Peace Talks?
Reagan’s ‘Greed Is Good’ Folly
Occupying the Heart of the Beast
Take Advantage of Our Book Discounts
From Robert Parry: For a limited time, we are offering as a three-book set Lost History, Secrecy & Privilege and Neck Deep at the deep discount price of only $29 for all three, postage included.
From Boston with the “99 Percent”
The “99 Percent” movement arising across the United States represents the first major public manifestation of disgust and fury at the rampant greed that has concentrated the nation’s wealth with the top “One Percent.” Economic journalist Mark Provost reports on his…
Why Palestine Already Is a State
‘Sarah’s Key’: Enforcing Injustice
The Slippery Slope of Assassinations
Israel’s Window to Bomb Iran
The Rise of Modern Barbarism
For several decades, the American Right has been fanning the flames of animosity among white men angered over what they see as their reduced status and other threats from modernity. Now that brush fire is threatening to sweep across the nation…
US Pols Say the Darnedest Things
As American politics continues its sorry decline with many elected officials now sounding as goofy as any loud-mouth radio host there are more and more suggestions about the need for reform, as Michael Winship observes.
Enduring Terror Double Standards
‘Occupy Wall Street’ Movement Grows
Finding Peace in Religious Scholarship
Would the Founders Back Health Law?
Exclusive: President Barack Obama’s health care law is heading to the rightist-dominated U.S. Supreme Court which may render a decision during the heat of Campaign 2012. Some Republican jurists are sure to claim that the law violates the “originalist” thinking…