Mandela, MLK and Jesus

The death of Nelson Mandela offers Christians a chance to reflect on the great protest leader at the center of their religion, the historical Jesus, with his anger at ostentatious wealth and his disdain for social inequality, as Rev. Howard Bess reflects.

The Moral Cancer of Gitmo

Mired in politics as well as the emotions of fear and revenge, the Guantanamo Bay prison remains a cancer on the American conscience. Yet, the Obama administration has taken only halfhearted and piecemeal efforts to close it, John LaForge says.

No War Over Rocks

U.S. foreign policy remains captive to unipolar hubris, enforced by neocon pundits who demand military interventions to solve the world’s problems. But this kneejerk response is particularly crazy when applied to Asian disputes over rocks far at sea, says Independent Institute’s…

Falling Short on ‘Challenge Grant’

From Editor Robert Parry: We’re in danger of falling short on our $10,000 “challenge grant” which we hoped would go a long way toward meeting our end-of-year fundraising goal. So, if you can help with a tax-deductible donation to…