Whether President Trump knows it or not, he is in a battle with a powerful ‘Deep State’ that wants to suck him into its neocon foreign policy orthodoxy or destroy him politically, as ex-British diplomat Alastair Crooke explains.
Trump Needs to Rethink Terror Policies
Making Puppy Mills Great Again
Many Americans applauded President Trump’s vow to slash government regulations – that always sounds great in the abstract – but it may be less popular when it means gutting rules that addressed puppy mill abuses, says JP Sottile.
Tulsi Gabbard vs. ‘Regime Change’ Wars
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is a rare member of Congress willing to take heat for challenging U.S. “regime change” projects, in part, because as an Iraq War vet she saw the damage these schemes do, as retired Col. Ann Wright explains.
Netanyahu’s No-Way to a Peace Deal
Toxic Policies of ‘President Agent Orange’
Exclusive: President Trump’s early hard-right actions and hirings threaten some of America’s most vulnerable people and the environment, with his policies even compared to the poison Agent Orange, writes Marjorie Cohn.
German Intel Clears Russia on Interference
A Dangerous Hysteria on Russia
Trump’s Dysfunctional White House
In less than a month, President Trump has proven many of his critics right when they warned that his erratic temperament would be a poor fit for his White House responsibilities, notes Lawrence Davidson.
Progressives Pile on Flynn’s Ouster
President Trump is so despised by progressives that many are rallying behind neocon-driven demands for a New McCarthyism to silence those who object to a costly and dangerous New Cold War, as Sam Husseini describes.
Native Tribe Objects to Trump’s Wall
Trump Caves on Flynn’s Resignation
More Bluster and Bluff on Iran
For all Team-Trump’s tough talk on Iran – and its repetition of the lie that Iran is No. 1 in terrorism – the chances for a major escalation of tensions remain low, reports Gareth Porter for Middle East Eye.
The Negotiation Option with North Korea
Exclusive: North Korea has learned the lesson that surrendering WMD invites a U.S. invasion and murder of the leader – see Iraq and Libya – but talks to limit risks of another war remain an option, says Jonathan Marshall.
A Documentary You’ll Likely Never See
Exclusive: Ukraine on Fire, a new documentary about the Ukraine crisis, might change how people in the West perceive the conflict, but it’s unlikely to get much distribution since it contests the prevailing narrative, writes James DiEugenio.
How Israel Out-Foxed US Presidents
From the Archive: President Trump hosts Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu this week with the new U.S. administration expected to fall in line as so many “out-foxed” predecessors have, as Morgan Strong described in 2010.
Amnesty International Stokes Syrian War
Deciphering Trump’s Opaque Foreign Policy
The Neocons’ Back-Door to Trump
Trump’s Foreign Policy at a Crossroads
Exclusive: Recent U.S. foreign policy – driven by neocons and liberal hawks – has spread chaos and death around the globe. But can “crazy” Donald Trump bring sanity to how the U.S. approaches the world, asks Robert Parry.