Vijay Prashad interviews the finance minister of the populous Indian state about the “hop, skip and jump” gains by the Left Democratic Front government there.
A who’s who of the U.K. radical left over the past half century was infiltrated by “spycops,” reports Asa Winstanley, who has personal involvement with this story.
The queen’s second son held many meetings with repressive Middle East monarchies long after his role as official trade envoy ended in 2011, Phil Miller reports.
Judge rules: “An aware and assertive citizenry, in contradistinction with an indifferent or docile citizenry, is indisputably a sign of a healthy and vibrant democracy,” writes Betwa Sharma.
Many Marxists in colonized zones had never read Marx, writes Vijay Prashad in this sampling of influential leftists, many from peasant societies, who built theories appropriate to their own context.
This weapon will continue to be used against the left, not only to support Israel but to prevent the rise of any political movements in powerful Western nations, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Questions should be raised about what role the Proud Boy’s leader may have played in the Capitol uprising, given his past as an FBI confidential source, writes Coleen Rowley.
In marking the anniversary of the Egyptian uprising, it is deceptive to celebrate a revolution. The word “revolution” has been bandied about a lot since 2011, writes As’ad AbuKhalil.