Category: South Africa

‘The Politics of Blood’

The political violence against India’s left that just occurred in Tripura, a state in the north-east, has become a normal facet of democracy in our times, writes Vijay Prashad.

No Two Elephants Are Alike

The July riots in South Africa remind Ryan Brunette of those by the Peronists in Argentina in December 2001. But Zuma’s people are moving from a much weaker position.

COVAX Rollout Accelerating in Africa

The continent is in the throes of a third wave of the pandemic and a WHO official said the rise in shipments shines a “light at the end of the tunnel that must not be snuffed out again.” 

When Israel Would Give Up Its Nukes

From the Archives:  There is just one scenario in which Israel would relinquish its nuclear weapons and it seems further from reality than ever, wrote Joe Lauria on May 4, 2015.

Ugliness Defines the Mood

Political cleansing, or politicide, is the murder of activists whose deaths deflate the confidence of the masses to take on the great granite block of power, writes Vijay Prashad.