As Western powers warn of nefarious Chinese and Russian designs, Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram outline how the brutal history of the Western powers in Africa makes the case for non-alignment.
Formerly top-secret files show how the two oil corporations bankrolled British covert propaganda operations during the 1950s and 60s, John McEvoy reports.
As some politicians try to shackle educators with restrictive laws, Raphael E. Rogers recommends using historical records to show the role that slavery played in the forming of a nation.
The continent’s political liberation and economic emancipation can’t be one-country affairs, but pan-African combined with international solidarity, writes P. Anyang’ Nyong’o.
U.K. troops fire controversial white phosphorus ammunition three times a year near safari resorts in east Africa, risking the health of local people, Phil Miller reports.