Category: American Empire

Chris Hedges: Chronicle of a War Foretold

After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a near universal understanding among political leaders that NATO expansion would be a foolish provocation against Russia. The military-industrial complex would not allow such sanity to prevail.

Caitlin Johnstone: 12 Thoughts on Ukraine

The U.S. power alliance has a choice between escalating aggressions against Russia to world-threatening levels or doing what anti-imperialists have been begging them to do for years and pursue detente.

Why Putin Went to War

Russia says it has no intentions of controlling Ukraine and its military operation is only to “demilitarize” and “de-Nazify” Ukraine in an action taken after 30 years of the U.S. pushing Russia too far, writes Joe Lauria.

PATRICK LAWRENCE: ‘Primacy or World Order’

Stanley Hoffmann doesn’t mention “multipolarity” in his book—maybe the term wasn’t yet in use—but it is precisely the world he was telling Americans about back in 1978 and that is today coming to pass. 

The US Persecution of Alex Saab

The diplomat currently languishing in a Miami prison has been vital to Venezuela’s ability to survive the brutal economic war being waged against it, writes Leonardo Flores.