Hammering on Russia is a losing strategy for progressives as most Americans care about economic issues and it is the Republicans and corporate Democrats who stand to gain, argues Norman Solomon.
Tag: Norman Solomon
Climb Down From the Summit of Hostile Propaganda
The Berkeley Tribute to Robert Parry
Democratic Elite Scrambles to Respond to Ocasio-Cortez
Stunned by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s victory, the Democratic Party establishment is trying to contain the rebellion challenging its class interests and may try to stem the tide with a compromise on super-delegates, as Norman Solomon reports.
Polls Show Being Anti-Trump Isn’t Enough to Beat GOP
Instead of addressing demands for social progress, such as single-payer insurance, Democratic leaders find it much easier and more comfortable to denounce Trump. But it’s not working, as Norman Solomon explains.
The Ghosts of ‘New Democrats’ Are Haunting Us
A battle for democracy within the Democratic Party is underway and the heirs of Bill Clinton’s New Democrats are trying to stack the deck, says Norman Solomon.
In Case You Missed…
Some of our special stories in March discussed recent changes in the Trump administration and examined the lasting impact of the U.S. invasion of Iraq as that event reached its 15th anniversary.
Why the DNC Is Fighting WikiLeaks and Not Wall Street
Missile Attack on Syria: a Salute to the ‘Russia-gate’ Faithful
Is MSNBC Now the Most Dangerous Warmonger Network?
A recent study revealed that MSNBC’s coverage of ‘Russiagate’ vastly outweighs its coverage of other issues, such as the US-backed humanitarian crisis in Yemen, and the network’s refusal to correct the disparity could lead to dangerous conclusions, notes Norman Solomon.