Lawrence Davidson reflects on Trump’s High-Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett and a reactionary tide in the U.S., since the Reagan era, that is hitting a new high-water mark.
Tag: Neoliberalism
Bullets Are Not the Seeds of Life
Vijay Prashad says most endemic hunger is caused by a system that would rather waste food than feed the hungry.
COVID-19: The Case Against Herd Immunity
Marcello Ferrada de Noli has studied Sweden’s response to the virus and advises countries elsewhere to reject the neoliberal model and survive instead.
Protecting Food From the Hungry
Warnings of Scheme to ‘Kill Postal Banking’ With ATMs in Post Offices
The plan, revealed in an internal USPS document, is getting slammed as yet another Wall Street power-grab.
CEOs Now Make 320 Times More Than Typical Worker
BEIRUT EXPLOSION: It Is Late, But it Is Early Morning if We Insist
Moral Panic Over Refugees in English Channel Is Ugly Face of Brexit
Migration and migrants have for far too long been a grotesque distraction from the real enemy without and within Britain, says John Wight.