Democratic freedoms aside, many nations in the world but particularly the U.S., Britain and China have interests to protect in Hong Kong, writes Mary Beaudoin.
Tag: Imperialism
The Real Big Brother
Propaganda Prospering Far and Wide
More Police Raids as War on Journalism Escalates Worldwide
The U.S. and the Fate of the World
The World Will Not Mourn the Decline of U.S. Hegemony
U.S. Empire Still Incoherent After All These Years
Exclusive: Without solid economic, political and ideological bases, the U.S. lacks the legitimacy and authority it needs to operate beyond its borders, argues Nicolas J.S. Davies in this essay.
A National Defense Strategy of Sowing Global Chaos
In the new U.S. National Defense Strategy, military planners bemoan the erosion of the U.S.’s “competitive edge,” but the reality is that they are strategizing to maintain the American Empire in a chaotic world, explains Nicolas J.S. Davies.