Tag: Caitlin Johnstone

The Two Faces of Empire

The U.S. empire is ugly and creepy. That’s why so much effort goes into keeping the public from looking at it directly, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

Boot Coming Down Hard and Fast on Social Media

The censorship of a political faction at the hands of a few liberal Silicon Valley billionaires will do the exact opposite of eliminating right-wing paranoia and conspiracy theories, and everyone knows it, writes Caity Johnstone.

Imperialism in Pumps

Mainstream feminism has abandoned women’s interests so thoroughly that it has largely become only superficially distinct from the patriarchy it purports to oppose, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

Only Kooks Believe In The Deep State

Mainstream, liberal U.S. discourse has accomplished an amazing feat of Orwellian doublethink with regard to the notion that unelected power structures are running things without the consent of the nation’s official elected government, writes Caitlin Johnstone.