Donald Trump’s draconian plan to round up 11 million undocumented immigrants and deport them suggests turning America into a police state and likely confronting strong resistance from their families and friends, reports Dennis J Bernstein.
How Clean Energy Can Create Jobs
If President-elect Trump truly intends to “make America great again,” a promising route is to encourage major investment in clean-energy jobs that can both rebuild manufacturing centers and help the environment, writes Sam Parry.
Help Consortiumnews on ‘Giving Tuesday’
The ‘Trump Effect’ Hits Europe
What Trump Means for American Jews
Trying to Reason with Trump
Many progressive activists are angry over Donald Trump’s victory, but persuasion – rather than anger – may be needed to get him to act responsibly on global warming and other crucial issues, says ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar.
Washington Post’s ‘Fake News’ Guilt
Exclusive: The “fake news” theme has captivated The Washington Post and the mainstream U.S. media so much that it is stooping to McCarthyistic smears against news outlets that don’t toe the State Department’s propaganda line, says Robert Parry.
The West’s Shift Toward Repression
Clinton Campaign Joins Vote Challenge
Reflections on the ‘Dispossessed’
The story of modern human history has been the dispossession of working people and the concentration of wealth in fewer hands, now transformed into a system of cradle-to-grave debt, writes Nicolas J S Davies.
Sessions’s Old-Time Contempt for Civil Rights
Philippines’ Duterte Seeks Peace
Greens’ Stein Questions Trump’s Victory
Trump’s Possible Path Out of Ukraine Crisis
Still Not Thanking Native Americans
Returned to its historical roots, Thanksgiving would be a day to express thanks to Native Americans whose generosity saved the Pilgrims, but that never seems to be a lesson learned, as Dennis J Bernstein reports on the Dakota pipeline standoff.
The West’s Media Delusions
Exclusive: The U.S. mainstream news media often holds itself out as the world’s gold standard, home for careful reporting and diverse opinions compared to Russia’s monolithic propaganda, but the reality is quite different, says James W Carden.
Demonizing Russian Media
US House Seeks Syria-War Escalation
A Tradition of Forgetting Indian Rights
Ironically, as Americans commemorate how Native Americans helped save the Pilgrims in 1621, Indian-rights activists are under attack today in defense of land that a 1868 treaty guaranteed as theirs, observes Nat Parry.
Fall and Rise of the Forgotten ‘Deplorables’
The political gamble that will be the Trump presidency traces back to the desperation of Americans who lost out in the social experiment of neoliberalism — and the Democrats’ candidate who personified those economic inequities, says Greg Maybury.