Two very unpopular candidates made the 2016 presidential campaign an embarrassment for American democracy. Now, the outcome could become one more tragedy for U.S. politics, observes David Marks.
The Political World After Trump’s Win
Gambling on the Unknowable Trump
Donald Trump’s victory may have shaken up the System but it also revealed a recklessness (or a desperation) among Americans in handing over such immense power to someone so untested, says Michael Brenner.
The World Sees a Diminished America
How Electoral College Cheats Democracy
The Establishment Strikes Back
Donald Trump’s win shook up the System but the empire is already striking back as the same-ole powers-that-be seek to “guide” Trump back to establishment-friendly and pro-war policies that many voters rejected, writes Gilbert Doctorow.
Trump’s Win — A Rebuke to the Elites
Breakdown of the Clinton Money Machine
Who’s to Blame for President Trump?
A Victory for ‘White’ America
For Many Americans, A Day to Forget
For many Americans, Nov. 9 was a time of shock at the surprise election of Donald Trump, but the distress was perhaps strongest in New York City which knows Trump best, writes Michael Winship.
Carbon Tax Reversal in Washington State
The Establishment’s Massive ‘Intelligence Failure’
System Failure for the Establishment
Fleeing a Trump Presidency Not an Option
Germany Urged to Pause on Syrian Escalation
In Case You Missed…
Some of our special stories in October focused on the problematic U.S. presidential campaign, revelations about U.S. alliances in the Middle East and the escalation of the New Cold War with Russia.
Learning Horrors of War from Vets
Why Trump Won; Why Clinton Lost
Reasons to Risk Nuclear Annihilation
Exclusive: The latest neocon/liberal-hawk scheme is for the U.S. population to risk nuclear war to protect corrupt politicians in Ukraine and Al Qaeda terrorists in east Aleppo, two rather dubious reasons to end life on the planet, says Robert Parry.