The Times only covered the problems with the OAS analysis after a study from three independent researchers found flawed data and analysis.
Category: U.S.
Hong Kong’s ‘Pro-Democracy’ Movement Allies with US Politicians Who Seek to Crush Black Lives Matter
Ajit Singh reports on Hong Kong organizers’ ties to far-right politicians in Washington.
THE ANGRY ARAB: Distorting the Iranian-Saudi Conflict
Kim Ghattas’s new book ‘Black Wave’ is getting rave reviews, but As`ad AbuKhalil calls it pure empire advocacy.
UPRISING: The Democratic Party Exists To Co-Opt & Kill Authentic Change
The actors remain motionless, and Godot never comes, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Failed American Experiment
FBI Launches Open Attack on ‘Foreign’ Alternative Media Outlets Challenging US Foreign Policy
Under FBI orders, Facebook and Google removed or restricted ads for an alternative site that publishes U.S. and European writers critical of U.S. foreign policy, Gareth Porter reports.
COVID-19: Analysis Finds Nearly 1/3 of Owed Jobless Benefits Not Yet Paid
UPRISING: Black ‘Misleaders’ Seek to End Protest
Nationwide unrest has forced the black quisling class to reveal themselves as agents of the racial and economic status quo, writes Margaret Kimberley.
UPRISING: Amid Sweeping US Protests, UN Tweets Platitudes
Dulcie Leimbach reports on the muted response by most UN leaders to the killing of George Floyd, racial discrimination in the U.S., the protests or Trump’s authoritarian response.
UPRISING: Leading Journalism Groups Demand Law Enforcement Halt Attacks on Working Press
Andrea Germanos reports on the reasons 18 organizations — including the National Press Club, Reporters Without Borders, the Committee to Protect Journalists and PEN America — are raising alarm.