Vast swathes of the West seem not to realize that if the Strait of Hormuz is shut down a global depression will follow, writes Pepe Escobar.
Category: Trump Administration
New CN Series: The Revelations of WikiLeaks: No. 1—The Video that Put Assange in US Crosshairs
“Collateral Murder” created a media sensation in 2010 and led to Chelsea Manning’s imprisonment and to a DOJ investigation of Julian Assange, reports Elizabeth Vos. But the war crimes the video exposed got no one else in trouble.
The Buried Maidan Massacre and Its Misrepresentation by the West
From Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, a Talk on Assange
Consortium News Editor Joe Lauria on Sunday delivered this talk about the Assange case to a group of activists who are living inside the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington to stop the illegitimate government of Venezuela from taking it over.
The US Should Get Ready for King Mohammed bin Salman
UK Blurring Two Very Different Extradition Claims
Behind the Omar Outrage: Suppressed History of 9/11
How Ecuador’s President Gave Up Assange
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Trump & the Bolton-Pompeo Axis
Assange’s Judge a Disgrace to the Bench, Ex-UK Ambassador Says
Craig Murray asks you to imagine Western media reaction if a Russian opposition politician were dragged out by armed police, and within three hours convicted on a political charge by a patently biased judge.