Dali ten Hove reports on political in-fighting among members of the Security Council during the pandemic.
Category: Russiagate
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The ‘See-No-Evil’ Phase of Russiagate
The media spinfest following the collapse of this conspiracy theory suggests our troubled republic simply cannot accept its errors, leaving us unable to learn from them.
RAY McGOVERN: New House Documents Sow Further Doubt That Russia Hacked the DNC
25 YEARS OF CN: ‘The Democratic Money Behind Russia-gate’—Oct.29, 2017
This is the fourth story in the Best of Consortium News series as we look back at our first 25 years throughout our jubilee year.
COVID-19: New York Times Revives its Role in Chinagate
The New York Times’ Insidious Ongoing Disinformation Campaign on Russia & Elections
A series of stories loudly proclaim the Russian election meddling narrative but offer no real facts supporting the most sensational claims, writes Gareth Porter.
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Humanity is Making A Very Important Decision
We are in do or die times, says Caity Johnstone. The only question left is, “Should journalists be jailed for exposing U.S. war crimes? Yes or no?”
How We Stay Blind to the Story of Power, While Those Who Challenge it, Like Assange, Can Wind Up Behind Bars
Power’s main concern is the ability to conceal itself, writes Jonathan Cook. Instead of making itself visible, it depends on ideas that enslave our minds.
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Did Sen. Warner and Comey Crush Assange Immunity Deal?
The U.S. was in talks for a deal with Julian Assange but then FBI Director James Comey ordered an end to negotiations after Assange offered to prove Russia was not involved in the DNC leak, as Ray McGovern explains.
Apparent US Intel Meddling in US Election, With ‘Report’ Russia is Aiding Sanders
Without any proof, The New York Times and Washington Post run “Russia helping Sanders” stories, and Sanders responds by bashing Russia, writes Joe Lauria.