Democrats and Neocons have integrated in the age of Trump, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Category: Politics
COVID-19: Five Eyes Probe Possible Wuhan Lab Leak While Australia Eases Off Trump’s Sinophobia
UPDATED: The Morrison government will fall reluctantly into line with Beijing, says Tony Kevin, because China is where Australia’s bread is buttered.
WATCH: CN LIVE!— ‘Pandemic America’—With Guests Jill Stein & Richard Wolff
The Way Liberals Smear Tara Reade Is Everything Rape Survivors Fear
Nobody wants a traumatic experience turned into a weapon used to bludgeon them before jeering crowds, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
On That Leaked Report on UK Labour & Anti-Semitism
Craig Murray says the party unit that handled the complaints was not only staffed by vehemently anti-Corbyn right wingers, it was also incompetent.
DNC Fraud Lawsuit Plaintiffs Petition Supreme Court
Lawyers are highlighting the High Court’s role in previously deciding on Jim-Crow era practices that excluded African-Americans from participating in Democratic primaries in the South, reports Elizabeth Vos.
Is the DNC Repeating History in Derailing a Socialist Candidate?
RAY McGOVERN to Joe Biden: Time for Confession
Had the Iraq war not killed, injured, displaced hundreds of thousands, the lame circumlocutions of the former vice president regarding his own culpability would be laughable.
COVID-19: The Fed, The Virus & Inequality
‘Bernie Bros’ Were Invented as Sexist, Racist and Anti-Semitic
The Establishment uses identity politics to divide those who might otherwise find a united voice and a common cause, writes Jonathan Cook.