Why would an alleged GRU officer supposedly part of an operation to deflect Russian culpability suggest that Assange “may be connected with Russians?”, asks Tim Leonard.
Category: Politics
LEE CAMP: Trump Will Win Reelection Unless We Do One Thing
We — the American people — have a right to participate in the last vestiges of this tattered democracy.
CN Live! is Going Strong, For Now
Partisanship Aside, Trump Had Reason to Fire Michael Atkinson, Say Two Former CIA Whistleblowers
Why ‘Obamagate’ Will Never Lead to Anything of Significance
You will never see Obama or his administration officials brought down by “Obamagate” for the same reason Trump wasn’t brought down by the Mueller investigation: the swamp protects its own, says Caity Johnstone.
COVID-19: Democrats’ Plan Denounced as Gift to Health Insurers
Progressives who advocated for Medicare expansion are dismayed by Democrats’ embrace of a policy pushed by the insurance industry and big business, Jake Johnson reports.
COVID-19: Democrats’ Virus Relief Bill Under Fire
A grassroots U.S. advocacy group says the HEROES Act “doesn’t do nearly enough to help those in need and does far too much to help those who are not,” Jake Johnson reports.
25 YEARS OF CN: ‘Hillary Clinton’s Turn to McCarthyism’ —Robert Parry, Aug. 9, 2016
COVID-19: US Pulls Plug on Global Ceasefire Resolution
25 YEARS OF CN: ‘The Democratic Money Behind Russia-gate’—Oct.29, 2017
This is the fourth story in the Best of Consortium News series as we look back at our first 25 years throughout our jubilee year.