Former British diplomat Craig Murray was in the public gallery at Old Bailey for Julian Assange’s hearing and here is his report on Friday’s events.
Category: Legal
Honor the Memory of Our Founder Robert Parry, Who Got the Assange Story Right Back in 2010
WATCH: CN Live! Daily Video Report on Assange Hearing–Day 14
The Exploitative System that Traps Nigerian Women as Slaves in Lebanon
FINAL REPORT: ASSANGE HEARING DAY FOURTEEN—Baraitser Grants Defense 4 Weeks to Prepare for Final Argument, Citing US Election
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Craig Murray: Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing—Day 13
Former British diplomat Craig Murray was in the public gallery at Old Bailey for Julian Assange’s hearing and here is his report on Thursday’s events.
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: US Using The Guardian to Justify Jailing Assange for Life as the Paper Remains Silent
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Craig Murray: Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing—Day 12
Former British diplomat Craig Murray was in the public gallery at Old Bailey for Julian Assange’s hearing and here is his report on Wednesday’s events.
WATCH: CN Live! Daily Video Report on Assange Hearing–Day 13
Why Julian Assange, a Non-US Citizen, Operating Outside the US, Is Being Prosecuted Under the US Espionage Act
Many people ask how can Julian Assange, an Australian who’s never operated in the U.S., be prosecuted under the U.S. Espionage Act. Here is the answer.