The online payment system gave no warning or reason why Consortium News‘ account has been “permanently limited.” PayPal indicated that only if “applicable” will the balance be returned.
Natylie Baldwin interviews academic Olga Baysha about Ukraine’s president, a former TV actor who has become, since the start of the war, an A-list celebrity in the U.S.
Morawiecki’s eagerness to be in the vanguard of the West’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine does not, so to say, run in the family, writes Michal Krupa.
In real time, the war will always look necessary from the mainstream perspective, and it won’t look like those other wars which are known in retrospect to be mistakes.
The late U.S. secretary of state’s association with Biden and the Clintons can be seen as a war-making, mutually absolving clique, writes Sam Husseini.
Liberals once mocked the Bush–Cheney regime’s with-us-or-against-us routines. Now the trans–Atlantic foreign policy cliques have no capacity to see the world differently.
Elon Musk’s talk about free speech will only matter if and when Twitter stops censoring Russian media and people who question the official narrative about Ukraine.
The U.S. makes plain its plan is not just to win its proxy war in Ukraine, but to continue flooding the country with weapons systems and ammunition, long enough to “weaken” Russia, reports Joe Lauria.