Russia again mixed it up with its Western opponents in the latest Security Council sparring match on Thursday as the U.N. secretary-general returned from the region. Watch it here.
PayPal said it mistakenly informed Consortium News that its account could be restored, saying instead it was shut forever, without ever giving any reasons for it, reports Joe Lauria.
Recent developments touch on Latin American sovereignty, the narrative pivot on calling Ukraine a proxy war and U.S. investment in the reckless nuclear standoff.
Robert Scheer, former Los Angeles Times columnist and editor of ScheerPost, interviews Prof. Michael Brenner on Scheer’s podcast Scheer Intelligence. (With full transcript).
Watch British rapper and activist LowKey, MintPress News Editor Mnar Adley and Consortium News Editor Joe Lauria as they discuss the state of Western democracy and a free press in light of PayPal’s bans on independent media.
PayPal has retreated after a deluge of support for Consortium News by unfreezing its funds and now saying unspecified steps must be taken to restore the “permanently” shut down account, Joe Lauria reports.